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The Public Education Crisis and Solutions

We all know that schools are struggling to meet the needs of their teachers and students. Some numbers you may know:

  • Since the pandemic, 70% of public schools have reported a drastic increase in the percentage of students who are seeking mental health support.

  • 72% of public schools have seen an increase in chronic absenteeism since 2020

  • At the same time, 61% of public schools reported that they have insufficient mental health professional staff to cover their caseloads. 

  • 87% of public schools agree the pandemic has negatively impacted the social-emotional development of students.

  • Nationwide, reading and math scores have plummeted and teachers are leaving the profession at an astronomical rate. School Leaders are wringing their hands--expected to solve these difficult challenges immediately, while dealing with staff shortages and limited resources. [1]

“Students thrive in an environment with effective social, emotional, and behavioral support,” said NCES Commissioner Peggy G. Carr. “So when we see 72 percent of our public schools report an increase in chronic absenteeism among our students, it poses an opportunity for education leaders to act quickly using tested approaches that work." [2] These issues, we know all too well.


But you may not know that BlenderLearn is making a positive impact on thousands of students and teachers every day. Imagine a teaching and learning world in which all teachers: receive daily, current information about each and every student based on established Whole Child objectives; get all the necessary content and resources organized and aligned with each student's objectives; and access tools that support the daily teaching and learning activity. Add to that support, secure digital credentialing for each student, and a place where teachers can virtually collaborate with their peers and all stakeholders, and you have BlenderLearn—a solution to meet the needs of the modern school system.


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