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Blender Technical Architecture

This document provides an overview of the BlenderLearn Technical Architecture. It is intended to provide summary-level information and requirements.

Client Side:

Blender will run on MAC or PC workstations, as well as modern tablets and phones. There are no end-user software or special plug-in requirements. Access to the internet is required, along with a modern web browser. The Blender web portal client side supports a wide variety of web browsers, including current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer and Edge. Blender offers a responsive design to make BlenderLearn applications accessible and adaptable for all devices.

We support current browser releases and two prior browser versions. Chrome is preferred, but we also support IE, Safari, Firefox and Edge.

Server Side:

Blender web portal server side includes: the ability to dispatch concurrent user requests, error logging capabilities, user authorization, IMS Interoperability standards, etc. The server side was implemented using the Microsoft’s web development stack, which includes: ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET WebApi, ASP.NET ASMX, .NET Framework, etc.

Security & Sign On:

Blender is able to support the following authentication methods

  • User name and password

  • Windows authentication (Active directory)

  • Single sign-on with federated identity

  • Single sign-on with SAML 2.0

Blender authorization is controlled by the Security Object Model (SOM), which prevents users from accessing the portions of the Blender website or Blender data that they are not authorized to access. It implements four types of authorization:

  • By User

  • By Organization

  • By Organization Role

  • By Organization and Organization Role

Blender applications can be customized to achieve Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication and validation using LDAP solutions such as Microsoft Active Directory. Blender supports form post and encrypted URLs to facilitate Single Sign-on with third party products. Integration with web services is also supported. Single Sign-on requires user authentication only once – either within Blender or within (for example) the legacy enterprise portal – but allows for seamless movement between them. This functionality allows an organization to seamlessly integrate third-party systems for the convenience of its users.

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